
Access & Connections

Existing public transport and pedestrian/ cycling network

The Jacob’s Island site is currently directly serviced by the 215 and 215A bus services bringing residents to the city centre in approximately 30 minutes and continuing to Blarney Village and Cloghroe. Additional bus services are available 5 minutes walk away at Mahon Point, providing connections to Blackrock, Kent Station, Apple and Holly Hill. Ten minutes walk away, the 219 bus provides connections to Douglas, Bishopstown and CIT. Future BusConnects and Light Rail upgrades are detailed on the following page. The site has multiple direct access points to the Greenways of the Lee to Sea Network which are currently undergoing capacity and lighting upgrades. They provides direct connections for cyclists and pedestrians with key centres of employment in Mahon and Blackrock and beyond to the City Centre. The path also connects to Rochestown and Passage West to the south.

Existing Public Transport

Future Upgrades

Wider Context

Pedestrian & Cyclist Connections

Public Spaces & Amenities